
Interview: Mike Rohde - Designer, Blogger, Sketchnote Artist

Introduction Today’s interview victim is Mike Rohde. I’ve followed Mike’s blog for a number of years, and I had the good fortune to meet him at the inaugural SEED conference (see his coverage here and mine here). Mike has gained fame recently for his Sketchnotes - notes and hand-drawn pictures from events such as An Event Apart, SEED, and the upcoming SXSW 2009, but apart from that he is a talented writer and designer with a large portfolio of websites, logos, and other impressive work.

Interview: Geoffrey Grosenbach on PeepCode, Entrepreneurship, and Making Book Publishing Easier

This article is the second in a series of interviews that I will be conducting over the next few months. For the other interviews, please visit the archives Thanks for agreeing to do this interview. Can you start by telling everyone a little bit about yourself? I live in Seattle, home of the world’s most pretentious Ruby brigade. I’ve been doing professional development for almost 10 years. Do you consider yourself a developer who happens to be an entrepreneur, or is it the other way around?

Interview: Peter Cooper on Rails, Entrepreneurship, and Developing on Linux

Note: This is the first in a series of interviews I will be doing over the coming months. Thanks for agreeing to do this interview. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? I’m Peter Cooper, a Ruby developer and author from the wild, barren north of England. I’m probably best known in the Ruby community for being the author of Beginning Ruby, published by Apress, as well as the editor of Ruby Inside, the most popular Ruby related weblog.

Coming Soon: Interviews

Beginning tomorrow, I’m going to be publishing a series of interviews. I’m going to start with notable people from the Rails community, but over time I would like to branch out into other areas. The first interview will be with Peter Cooper, whose book Beginning Ruby I reviewed recently. In the coming weeks I will be publishing interviews with Geoffrey Grosenbach and Robby Russell, with more to follow. If you have suggestions for other people I should interview, please leave a comment or send me an email (my email address can be found on my about page:http://larrywright.