Monday Question

Monday Question: What Is Your Text Editor, and Why?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives The text editor is the programmer’s main tool. The best programmers I know are masters of their chosen editor, whatever that might be. Knowing how to be productive with your editor can make the difference between a good developer and a great developer. So today, I’m asking you to share with us what your favorite text editor is and why.

Monday Question: What Music Do You Code By?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives Most people, it seems, listen to music while they work. Whether it’s to aid concentration or drown out their coworkers, I see most people do it. So today’s question is: What music do you prefer to code/design/whatever by? I have very diverse musical tastes and listen to just about everything, but I find that lyrics are distracting when I need to concentrate.

Monday Question: What Is Your Development Machine?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on The Curiosity Project. For more questions like this, please visit the archives As previously noted I recently switched my development environment from a Linux laptop to a Mac. This Monday’s Question is: What is your development machine? Tell us your OS, hardware specs, etc.

Monday Question: What Source Code Management System Do You Use, and Why?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives I’ve been a CVS and SVN user for a number of years. Recently I’ve been watching all of the buzz around distributed SCMs, Git in particular. Git has been adopted by a number of projects lately, Rubinius being the one I noticed most recently. I took down my SVN repository when I moved web hosts, and haven’t put it back up yet.

Monday Question: What Books Changed Your Life?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives I’m an avid reader, if you haven’t guessed by now. So today’s question is What books have changed your life? As always, post your answers in the comments below.

Monday Question: What Are Your 3 Favorite Technical Sites?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives I’m always on the lookout for good sources for technical information. So, today’s question is: What are your 3 favorite technical sites? Post your answers in the comments below.

Monday Question: Who Are You and Why Are You Here

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives Feedburner tells me that I now have over 100 subscribers to my RSS feed. That of course doesn’t include the people who read this via Planet Ruby on Rails. In honor of this milestone, today’s question is: Who are you, and why are you here?. I’d like you to introduce yourself, and tell me why you come here.

Monday Question: What Technologies Are You Exploring?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives This is a follow up to last week’s question How do you decide what technologies to explore? Today I want to know What technologies are you exploring? I’ll go first. Aside from Ruby and Rails, Erlang and CouchDB are the things that I’m currently spending time looking into. Post your answers in the comments below.

Monday Question: How Do You Choose What Technologies to Explore?

Monday Questions is a recurring series on Approaching Normal. For more questions like this, please visit the archives Technology moves at such a rapid pace that there is constantly something new that is tempting me to explore it. I find it very difficult to pick and choose which things to devote time to learning. So today’s question is: How do you choose what technologies to learn more about, and which to ignore?

Monday Question: What Are You Reading?

I’m going to start posting questions for my readers every Monday. At least until I run out of questions. Last week, I posted a collection of mini book reviews. I have a bit of an addiction to books, which should be obvious by now. So today’s questions is: What are you reading? Doesn’t matter whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, technical or biographical. Let us all know what you’re reading (or have read recently).