
Best of 2022

Best of 2022

2022 was the first year in a few where I felt like I took a lot of pictures. After a few years of not taking hardly any it felt good to get back to it.

The highlights of this year are:

  • Senior portraits that I took of my oldest.
  • Homecoming pictures of my daughter and her friends (from two separate homecomings no less) as well as my son and his date.
  • One of the three finalists for American Idol’s 2022 season was Leah Marlene, who happens to be from my town. As part of the finale she returned home to do a parade and hometown concert. I was able to get close enough to get some decent pictures of that.
  • Senior portraits for a friend’s son.

Without further ado, the best of 2022:

Best of 2018

Best of 2018

I usually take a lot of pictures in a given year, and 2018 was no different. Out of the thousands of pictures I took, these are my favorites. Most are taken with my main camera, a Canon 6D, but some are moments captured with my phone.

Fireworks 2018

Fireworks 2018

I made a second attempt at shooting fireworks this year. I forgot my remote shutter release, and so had to trigger the camera from my iPhone. That works OK, but there’s enough lag that it’s not ideal. They still turned out pretty well.

Scenes From a Farm

Scenes From a Farm

A friend asked me to take some pictures of the farm that had been in their family for generations, before some of the items were sold.

This barn has stood for over 100 years. Alas, it’s unstable and due to be torn down. The wood, however, is being salvaged.

This barn has stood for over 100 years. Alas, it’s unstable and due to be torn down. The wood, however, is being salvaged.

This convertible has been sitting idle for too many years.

This convertible has been sitting idle for too many years.

It’s been in a shed the whole time, so the paint is quite well preserved. Unfortunately the interior and the convertible top were in much worse shape.

It’s been in a shed the whole time, so the paint is quite well preserved. Unfortunately the interior and the convertible top were in much worse shape.

Another old car, this one slightly newer. Unfortunately it’s been exposed to the elements for a long time and the outside was in pretty bad shape.

Another old car, this one slightly newer. Unfortunately it’s been exposed to the elements for a long time and the outside was in pretty bad shape.

Quite a few old farm implements lying around. I have no idea the age of these, but I’m guessing nearly as old as the farm.

Quite a few old farm implements lying around. I have no idea the age of these, but I’m guessing nearly as old as the farm.