Links for 7-19

The various shiny objects that caught my eye lately.

11 Ways of Staying Focused

  • Probably my biggest challenge, I need all the help I can get.

Top 14 Stumbling Blocks for New Businesses

  • Some of this I’ve seen elsewhere, but there’s soom good points in here.

What is a Wiki - And How to Use One for Your Project

  • I know what a wiki is, but this is a good introduction on how to leverage them for projects.

The Four-Day Week Challenge - Cutting back to a four day work week. It’s a great idea, but I don’t think my boss is going to go for that :)

Rails Manual - Just like, except the interface doesn’t completely suck eggs.

Rails Tips - The extremely prolific Peter Cooper (seriously, does he sleep?) releases something new, Rails Tips, which although part of the previously mentioned Ruby Inside site, is actually a completely separate site, with a number of useful tips. Seems similar to his Snippets site, but limited to Rails stuff.