Cool Tool: If This Then That

I tend to be a little skeptical of the new and shiny. There is often a lot of hype about how life changing some new website or gizmo is going to be. Sometimes, however, something comes along that does live up to the hype. The latest one I’ve found is a rather nondescript site called ifttt. The URL is strange, until you understand that it stands for “If This Then That”. What the site does is allow you to automate bits of your digital life by watching for events (the “if this” portion), and then taking an action (the “then that” portion). It lets you tie together the various sites and services that you use, allowing you to do even more with them.

This warrants an example, perhaps.

Let’s say you take lots of pictures of your kids with Instagram. And let’s say your mom (or grandmother) isn’t the most tech-savvy user. She uses email, but doesn’t have a smartphone and doesn’t want one. She doesn’t use Facebook or Twitter. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could automatically email any pictures you post to Instagram to your mother so that she doesn’t give you a guilt trip for never sending her pictures of her grandkids (hypothetically speaking, of course. Any resemblance to my own mother is purely coincidental). Ifttt can do that for you. What about those receipts you get emailed to you every month that you need at the end of the year for taxes? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get those sent to a specific folder in Evernote so that they’re all in one place? Ifttt can do that for you. You know all those links that come across your Twitter stream that you don’t take the time to read? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just favorite the tweet and have the link in the tweet automagically added to your Instapaper account? Ifttt can do that for you.

So, how does it work?

Ifttt is built on the idea of triggers, channels, tasks, and recipes.

Channels represent the hooks into the websites you use. Gmail, Google Reader,Twitter, Facebook, Evernote, Dropbox, Instagram, etc. If it’s a popular service, ifttt probably has a channel for it. There are also general channels for things like RSS feeds that aren’t tied to a specific service.

Triggers then are events that occur on these services. A picture is taken on Instagram, a new email appears in your Gmail account, someone new follows you on Twitter. Triggers allow you to specify when you want to take action. They also frequently allow you to specify criteria. In the case of Gmail, for example, you can specify that you only want to take action if the email is from a specific person, or contains a certain word in the subject line. If you’ve ever created filters in Gmail or Outlook, it’s the same concept, but applied on a much larger scale.

Tasks, like Triggers, are built on Channels. They allow you to perform tasks in reaction to a trigger. Examples of tasks would be things like:

  • Sending an email
  • Creating a new note in Evernote
  • Sending a tweet
  • Send an SMS message

Tasks let you use data from the triggers (ie the subject line in an email) in your task. So you could, for example, use the subject of an email to populate the subject of your note in Evernote.

Recipes are pre-made combinations of the other items, created either by the team at ifttt, by other users, or yourself. There are a lot of them, and chances are you will find a lot of them that you can put to use immediately. Here are a few that I’m either using myself or found interesting:

You get the idea.

I’ve only been using this service for a couple of months, but I’ve already discovered a lot of useful things I can automate with it. Posting things to Twitter for me, taking receipts that I get in email and adding them to my Tax Folder in Evernote, etc. This saves me time and makes my life easier. What’s most exciting though is that there is that this service is very young, and has a lot of potential. There are a lot more channels, tasks, and triggers yet to be created. Perhaps one day they will add the ability to do conditionals, or even more complex logic, using JavaScript or some other language.

It’s early, but I see a lot of potential here. Go create an account and try it out yourself. What can you automate?

Steve Jobs

Like Marco Arment I’m not qualified to eulogize Steve Jobs, but I owe a lot to him so I need to say something.

My first computer was an Apple //c. 1985. I spent a lot of time on that computer. A lot. Probably an unhealthy amount.

I was a nerdy kid to begin with, and I instantly fell in love with it. I spent endless hours on that computer. Playing games, writing programs in BASIC, and generally just exploring the new world that it opened up for me. Those hours spent in front of the computer paid off. I went on, years later, to write code professionally. It’s not an exaggeration to say that owning that Apple //c shaped who I became.

I’ve admired Steve Jobs since I was old enough to know who he was. When he founded NEXT, I desperately wanted one of those beautiful (and expensive) systems. I’ve seen every movie Pixar has put out. I’ve been inspired by his business sense, his design savvy, and his drive. He’s accomplished more in his abbreviated lifetime than most people could accomplish in ten. His Stanford commencement speech stands as one of the most inspiring things I’ve heard.

My latest computer is a MacBook Air. I spend a lot of time on that computer. A lot. Probably an unhealthy amount.

Godspeed, Steve Jobs.

Backing Up Your Data With Fog

Fog, in case you haven’t heard of it, is a fantastic cloud computing library written in Ruby. It provides a unified interface to several popular cloud computing platforms(including Amazon, Rackspace, Linode, and others), making it easy to interact with them from Ruby. It currently supports four types of cloud services: storage, compute, DNS, and CDN. Fog has become very popular lately, and serves as the backbone for Chef’s cloud computing functionality, which is how I first became aware of it.

I recently used Fog to write a backup script in Ruby to automatically send encrypted database backups from a database server running at Rackspace to Amazon’s S3 storage service. Here’s how I did it.


My script runs as the second step in a process. The first step is a shell script that calls pg_dump to dump a PostgreSQL database and then encrypts the file using GnuPG, dropping them in a backup directory on the database server.

My Fog-based script’s job is to make sure that all of the files in the backup directory get moved to S3.

Writing Files

Fogsync (my script), looks at all of the files in that directory and makes sure that they all exist in a bucket on S3. If they don’t, it copies them up there. Additionally, it deletes old backups from S3. For this customer, we keep backups for 14 days, so all backups older than that get deleted.

Let’s look at how it works:

fog =
  :provider => 'AWS',
  :aws_access_key_id => MY_ACCESS_KEY,
  :aws_secret_access_key => MY_SECRET
directory =  fog.directories.get("MY_DIRECTORY")

files = Dir["/var/backup/*.gpg"]
for file in files do
  name = File.basename(file)
  unless directory.files.head(name)
    directory.files.create(:key => name, :body => open(file))

Here’s what this snippet does:

  1. Creates a connection to AWS. The syntax is basically the same for connecting to all of the cloud platforms, just the parameter names are changed.

  2. Uses ‘head’ to check if the file exists and, optionally, get some metadata about it (size, modify date, etc). Think of this as the cloud equivalent to the unix stat command. You don’t want to use the ‘get’ command, as that will return the whole file, which would take a very long time if the files are large cough*voice of experience*cough.

  3. Creates the file in the given directory (“bucket” in S3 terms) if it doesn’t exist already.

If you’ve used S3, you’ll notice that Fog uses slightly different terms for things than S3 does. Because Fog works across a number of different storage providers, it uses more general terms. While this might be confusing at first if you’re familiar with a specific provider’s nomenclature, but the tradeoff is that if you want to move from one provider to another, the only thing you have to change is the code that sets up the connection (the call to in this example).

Deleting files

      oldest = - 14 (our date)
      directory =  fog.directories.get(MY_DIRECTORY)
      files = directory.files
      files.each do |f|
        file_date = Date.parse(f.last_modified.to_s)
        if file_date < oldest

This is fairly straightforward as well. Get all the files in the directory and check their age, deleting the ones that are older than we want to keep.

So that, in a nutshell, is how to use Fog. This is a simplified example of course, in my production code the parameters are all pulled from configuration files, and the script emails a report of what it did, in addition to having a lot more error handling.

If you do any scripting with cloud computing, you owe it to yourself to check out Fog.

Handling Incoming Email With Your Web Application

This morning I was looking for a way to handle incoming email in a web application (similar to the way Highrise and Evernote let you email things to a special email address and have them put into their system). There are a number of ways to do this via procmail, or by using something to connect to your mail server using POP or IMAP and reading emails, but I was looking for a way to do this without having to host my own email infrastructure. Ideally, I want something like Twilio, that will receive the email and then do an HTTP POST to the endpoint of my choosing.

Here’s what I found.


Still in beta (and free while it is), this looks robust. It’s also available as a Heroku addon, if that’s how you roll.

(A tip of the hat to @peterc for pointing me to this one)


Looks similar to CloudMailIn, though not in beta. There’s a free plan for up to 100 emails a day, and then it goes up from there. Their site was down when I first went to it this morning, which makes me a tad nervous, but that may well be an isolated thing.


SendGrid is a heavy hitter in the email space, mostly doing outbound delivery. They do however have a Parse API that seems to perform the same function as the other two services. I’m not sure on the pricing here, their basic plan is $9.95 per month for 10,000 emails, but I’m not sure if that includes incoming or not. UPDATE: I heard from SendGrid. Their plans cover both incoming and outgoing, so for the in the case of the $9.95 plan, it could be a mix of both, up to 10,000

(thanks to Twilio’s @johnsheehan for the pointer to SendGrid)

I haven’t used any of these yet, so I can’t make an endorsement of one over the other, but I thought I’d post it here in case anyone else is looking for this kind of provider. If you have experience with any of these, please comment with your opinion.

The Week in Links - 12/4/2010

Full-Ack: an Emacs interface to Ack
Ack is a useful little app for searching source code. If you ever use grep for finding things in your code, switch to ack immediately - you won’t regret it. This is a handy front end to ack for Emacs users.

Information architecture: A How to
I’ve been learning about information architecture lately as it’s becoming increasingly important for my job. This is a good overview.

Hacker’s Guide To Tea
I need to drink more tea. This article taught me a lot I didn’t know about tea and its benefits.

Tasty Treats for PostgreSQL
A bunch of useful tools if you work with PostgreSQL, from the guys at OmniTI.

HTML5Rocks - Introducing Web Sockets: Bringing Sockets to the Web
An introduction to Web Sockets, which let you do lots of cool real time things with the web. One of many things I need to spend more time experimenting with.

The Week in Links - 11/11/2010

Things You Should Do Immediately After Launching a Website
Some of these are common sense, but there are quite a few non-obvious ones here. A good checklist.

Running Shells in Emacs: An Overview | Mastering Emacs
Working with shells in Emacs is very useful; I almost always have a small one running at the bottom of my window to run commands in. This explains the differences between the different kinds of shells in Emacs, how to use them, and how to change their settings.

Announcing Cloud Load Balancing Private Beta | Rackspace Cloud Computing & Hosting
Rackspace Cloud, where I host a ton of different servers for myself and for clients, has announced a beta of their load balancing service. Good load balancing is a pain to set up, so this is promising.

The 1140px CSS Grid System/Framework · Fluid down to mobile
Nice new CSS grid framework that handles multiple screen sizes with ease. It seems like a fundamental failing of CSS that we need all these frameworks to do really basic stuff like this though.

Dr Nic’s Making CI easier to do than not to with Hudson CI and Vagrant
I need to spend some time with Hudson. It’s an incredibly powerful “Continuous Integration” server, but it does a lot more as well. This article explains how to use it in conjunction with Vagrant to automatically set up your test environment.

How to Use Your Zoom Lens as a Compositional Aid
I’ve been learning photography over the last couple of years. This article did a better job of explaining the effects of using different kinds of zoom lenses. The pictures that accompany the article are worth 1000 words and then some.

Training Your Technical Staff When You Don't Have a Budget

When budgets get tight, it can be difficult to provide adequate training for your staff. Over the last couple of years, I’ve found some ways to provide some training even in the face of a shrinking (or non-existent) budget.

Regional conferences

If you still have some budget, but maybe just not as much as you are accustomed to, look to smaller regional conferences as an alternative to the larger national ones that are in major cities. If you’re fortunate enough to live in a city where a conference is being held, you might get out of having to pay for travel at all. This past year, the excellent No Fluff Just Stuff conference made a stop in our town, and I was able to send two developers plus myself to it for a fraction of what it would have cost to send them away somewhere and pay airfare and hotel on top of the conference cost. I personally attended the Windy City Rails conference this year which was a single day for only $150. While the smaller conferences may not have all the speakers you would get at a larger one, I’ve been really surprised at the quality of the speakers that these conferences draw.


My team has done this for the past year or so. I buy a copy of a book for each person, and we meet once a week to discuss a chapter at a time. Have people take turns leading the discussion. My experience has been that these are most productive if you tackle a topic that your team agrees is currently a pain point, as they can take the information they learn and apply it to their current project. We’ve read through The Pragmatic Programmer, Pragmatic Unit Testingin Java, and are going to move on to Don’t Make Me Think next.

Hashrocket has actually taken this a step further and broadcast these live.


It’s become commonplace for conferences to record their talks and make them available online for free. Additionally, a number of larger user groups do the same. There are a nearly endless number of videos on a wide variety of topics that are available online. Pick a video (maybe two if they’re short), watch it as a group, and then discuss it afterwards.

Here are a few sources I like:

Peer to Peer

We’ve done this even before our training budget shrank. Have people take turns presenting on a relevant topic that they are passionate about. This works well on a few levels: those listening get to expand their knowledge, and those presenting will often develop a deeper understanding of their topic. If a presentation is used, post it somewhere so that people who join the company later can benefit.

So what have I missed? What do you do to keep your skills current when you can’t get money for training?

The Tools I Use

Inspired by Mike Gunderloy’s recent blog post, I decided to put together a list of the tools I use, both hardware and software.

I use a Mac at home and a Windows laptop at work; I plan to cover the Windows tools in a later post.


  • MacBook Pro
    My primary computer is a late-2007 17" Macbook Pro with 2gb of RAM and a 160gb hard drive. I love this laptop, but I made two mistakes when buying it. First, I should have gone with the higher resolution display. If you’re going to have a 17" laptop, you should have as many pixels as you can. Second, I way undersized the hard drive. It was larger than the one in the laptop it replaced, but since I have the three most adorable kids ever, I take a lot more pictures and video than I did previously. This has quickly filled up the hard drive, to the point that I’ll need to replace it with a much larger one next year. To sum up: when buying a laptop, get the largest hard drive and the most pixels you can afford, unless you need ultra-portability.
  • 24-inch Dell Monitor
    Looks nice, and very affordable. Mine was refurbished. The picture quality isn’t bad, but it’s one of their very low-cost displays and is of lower quality than the rest of the line (I didn’t know this at the time). If I was a graphic designer or professional photographer I would probably care more. Since this primarily displays a code editor, a terminal window, and a web browser, I don’t really mind much.
  • Apple Extended Keyboard II
    These are the legendary Apple keyboard you’ve heard about, and the hype about them is true. I bought a couple of them gently used from EBay and then scrubbed them with a brush and some dish soap to clean them up. Paired with a Griffin ADB to USB converter, they work very well. I’m a sucker for the old-style keyboard action.
  • Mighty Mouse (bluetooth)
    A lot of people hate this mouse, but I don’t understand why. It’s solidly built, confortable, and has that cool little ball on top. That said, I’m a keyboard junkie and avoid the mouse when I can.
  • Time Capsule
    This serves as both wireless router for the house as well as the backup system for both laptops. I don’t have an off-site backup at the moment, I need to look into that.
  • Cambridge Soundworks Speakers
    I really wanted the Klipsch computer speakers, but they’re more than I want to spend. These sound good, and cost me only a little over $100 refurbished.


  • Emacs
    I learned programming with an IDE, but I learned to edit text with Emacs. I’ve been using it for 10 years or so now, and it would be difficult to switch. Every few years I have some brief dalliance with another editor (the last one was Textmate, when I bought my first Mac), but I always return to my first love. What emacs lacks in style, it more than makes up for in substance. In one window I can edit code, run shell commands (or a shell, for that matter), edit files on remote servers, and much more. It’s endlessly scriptable and insanely powerful. The fact that it’s cross platform helps as well. My emacs configuration, which works the same (with a couple of minor exceptions) on all the platforms I use it, is located on Github
  • Safari
    I really want to like Firefox, but it’s just too slow. Safari is quick, stable, and includes all the features I want.
  • The Hit List
    Even though it seems to be the popular thing to do these days, I’m not on a continual quest to find The Ultimate Todo List App. I got The Hit List as part of a MacHeist software bundle, and it works well. I mean, seriously, what do you really need in a todo list application? I can make items, I can check them off. The rest is gravy.
  • Adium
    It’s not perfect, but I can talk to people on pretty much any IM network out there.
  • Tweetie
    I used Twitterific for a couple of years, both on the iPod Touch and OS X. Frankly, it was left to rot, with no updates for a very long time. When Tweetie for the iPhone came out, I bought it immediately and after using it for 10 minutes, concluded that I wanted it for the desktop as well. I got my wish, and I’ve been happy ever since.
  • NetNewsWire
    I do not read as many feeds as I used to. I mean, I subscribe to a lot, I just don’t read them that often. My thoughts on why are here. When I do read feeds though, this is the app I do it in. I like that I can navigate everything with the keyboard and send things to Evernote and Instapaper easily.
  • 1Password
    I can’t remember all the passwords I create, or often even the account names (sometimes it’s a username, sometimes it’s an email address…). 1Password remembers them all for me and enters them for me automatically as well.
  • Evernote
    I use Evernote to track all the little bits of data I accumulate: code snippets, blog posts, how tos, meeting notes, PDFs, presentations, etc. I like the fact that it syncs with other computers, and it’s search works very well. I hate the way it captures web pages though, it destroys all the formatting. Yojimbo gets this right. It’s PDF viewing isn’t all that great either
  • Skype
    Skype works great if everyone is on a fast network pipe. It falls down spectacularly if anyone is on a slightly flaky network connection, like say a cell network connection. I use Skype mostly for after hours deployments (group voice call), and video chats with the Grandparents.
  • iWork
    I use Keynote for creating the occasional presentation and Pages for creating things that require more formatting than a text document. Numbers is the coolest application I almost never use.
  • Terminal
    I always have a terminal window open. Always. Usually more than one.
  • Pixelmator
    Photoshop is awesome, but it is both expensive and far more complicated than I want. I am not an image editing guru, I really just need basic capabilities. Pixelmator provides that - it’s Photoshop for mere mortals.


  • Gmail
    It’s got an amazing spam filter and supports IMAP and POP out of the box (Yahoo still charges for this, for reasons I can’t comprehend). I use the online client almost exclusively.
  • Google Docs
    I love being able to create spreadsheets and easily share them with my better half. It does basically everything I need a spreadsheet app to do, and it does it well.
  • Pivotal Tracker
    Oh, how I love Pivotal Tracker. It’s a simple but powerful project management application that lets you keep track of features, bugs, and chores. I keep all my side projects in here, under a seperate account from the one I use at work. Any application I’ve built is in here as a seperate project (this blog, for example). Any time I discover a bug, or think of a feature I want to add, I can throw it in here under the appropriate project and it will be waiting for me when I have time to work on it. It’s nearly perfect.
  • Instapaper
    I read. A lot. Instapaper lets me capture things that I want to read later, and conveniently strips out all of the formatting for me. The iPhone application is great as well, I can carry reading material with me anywhere.


  • VPSLink
    I’ve been hosted with these guys for a couple of years. Fast VPS servers and great uptime.

So that’s what I use to do what I do. If you’ve done a similar list, add a comment below with a link. Or if you have a recommendation for something to replace one of my tools, I’m always looking for cool new tools.

Generating Realistic Test Data With Ruby

Generating semi-realistic test data for an application can be a pain. If the data already exists, as in the case of an upgrade to an existing system, you can generally create data based on the existing database. But what if you need a large sample of data for a brand new system? If you have simple data requirements, there are some Ruby gems that can help you out. Faker is one such gem, which lets you generate realistic names, addresses and phone numbers. But what do you do for things that are a little less typical? Things like scores, ratings, ages, dates, etc. I needed to do this recently for a prototype I built of a system to generate letters. Here’s the Rake task I ended up with:

This script adds 1000 records to my database that are representative of what real production data would look like. The quantity of data is obviously easily adjusted up or down as needed.

This is just a standard rake task that you can drop inside lib/tasks. Most of this is fairly standard ruby code and not very interesting, but lets look closer at what makes this work.

The first portion of the script does some setup work, deleting existing data. Then it sets up a series of arrays for the values that will be used for individual fields. For example the volumes variable:

volumes = (8000..100000).to_a

This creates an array of integers containing every number between 8000 and 100000. Response rates and variances are set up similarly, as are the client names.

In the loop that generates the actual data, we then call the rand() function on these arrays to select a value from our range. This function isn’t a standard part of the Ruby Array class, it’s actually added to the class by ActiveSupport.

Using this method makes it very easy to generate test data within predefined acceptable ranges.

For another take on this topic, see the EdgeCase blog

A Collection of Great Tools for the Ruby Developer

I’ve been a bit heads-down lately, working on a super-secret project in Ruby. More on that in the near future, but in the meantime I wanted to share about a few things that I’ve started using.


When I started my new project, I wanted to try one of the new testing frameworks for Ruby. The problem is there are a number to choose from. What to do…

I settled on Shoulda. I wish I could tell you that this was a rigorous process, that I evaluated each framework carefully, learning about each one’s strengths and weaknesses. I did not, I cheated. You see, a while back, Josh Susser did just that thing. He called it the The Great Test Framework Dance-off. He settled on Shoulda, so that’s what I went with.

Shoulda is developed by Tammer Saleh of ThoughtBot, who have a number of other really nice projects. Shoulda’s tagline is “Making Tests Easy on the Fingers and Eyes”, and it lives up to that goal. It has a very nice syntax for developing tests, including a complete set of macros for testing controllers and models. It’s a joy to use. Here’s what it looks like (both samples taken from the Shoulda README :

Nice, right?

Here’s a sample of the ActiveRecord macros in action:


So what’s the big deal? Well, it’s easier to read for one. Instead of horrendous method names like test_should_do_this_but_not_that, you get to write English: should “do this but not that”. The macros in Shoulda also let you test your models and controllers easily.

Pivotal Tracker

Pivotal Tracker is an Agile project management tool, developed by the folks at Pivotal Labs. It lets you create projects, track release, stories, and defects. The beauty of Tracker is it’s all-on-one-screen user interface. It lets you see everything at a glance, and even provides keyboard shortcuts for common tasks. I’m not alone in my admiration of Tracker, it seems to be extremely popular among the Rails consulting shops (Hashrocket, for one).

While Tracker is powerful enough to be used for large multi-developer projects, it also happens to be perfect for managing your side projects. Enter the features you want, organize them into releases, and just click start to begin the first one. Click finish when you’re done, and move on to the next one. Easy peasy. Did I mention it’s free?

Be sure to check out the screencast, which gives a nice overview of the application.


John Nunemaker is a prolific Ruby and Rails developer, as witnessed by a quick glance at his Github page. One of his most recent projects is HTTParty, which makes it dead-simple to consume REST apis using Ruby. Here’s what it looks like:

HTTParty automatically detects whether the response is JSON or XML and parses it appropriately. It really doesn’t get much easier than that. There’s also a nice command-line app bundled with the gem that lets you call RESTful web services easily from the command-line, with a few more bells and whistles than curl.


Sinatra is a great, compact web framework similar in concept to Why the Lucky Stiff’s Camping framework. It makes it trivial to create a web application in just a few lines of code. It was originally written by XXX to allow for creating lightweight web services, but has since become quite popular as a web framework to use when Rails might be overkill.

It’s easy to create simple test applications for libraries, but also robust enough to create full-blown websites with. Check out the Sinatra website and the Sinatra book for more details.

What tools have you discovered lately?