Rails Snippets

A collection of Rails links

Using Paypal with Rails

This is a nice step-by-step article on integrating PayPal with your Rails application, using ActiveMerchant.

Rails 2.0 Features: Multiple Views

I’ve only skimmed over the new features in the upcoming 2.0 release of Rails, but this looks like one of the nicest features. This is a good explanation of how it works and why it’s useful.

Mongrel 1.0.3 is out

A bugfix release of Mongrel is out. Looks like 1.1 is due soon, and it looks interesting:

“Mongrel 1.1 is coming real soon now with JRuby support and a few other things.”

Emacs on Rails

Being a bit of an Emacs junky, I’m not sure how I missed this. Looks mature, and very functional, and almost TextMate-like. The link has a nice flash video of Emacs on Rails in action.

Free Rails book from Sitepoint

Sitepoint’s book “Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications” is now free, at least for the next month. I’ve only skimmed it, but it looks like a decent introduction, and the price is certainly right.