Relevance Announces Streamlined

Update: I somehow managed to misspell Relevance’s name. Fixed.

I’m missing RailsConf this year (I have no excuse, I live two hours away). I’m living vicariously through the other attendees though, keeping an eye on the blog posts.

One announcement that I just caught was that Relevance has announced Streamlined, which is a framework on top of the Rails framework. Some of the interesting features include (pulled from Justing Gehtland’s post):

  • Generator for churning out the initial views and configuration
  • A declarative DSL for managing views, including relationship management, field selection, etc.
  • Full Ajax-enabled management views with sorting, paging and live search (with configurable field-inclusion)
  • An extensible component system for representing relationships at runtime * REST-ful web service layer around all models
  • Auto user-management and inclusion of declarative role-based authorization

It looks like this gives you a really good jumpstart on building data driven applications (as if Rails wasn’t enough of a jumpstart). The management views in particular sound nice (Django has this already, really the only thing Django has over Rails as far as I can tell).

They’re planning on realeasing this at OSCON in July. I’m looking forward to it.